Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Day of Remembrance

September 11, 2001

How do I even begin to post about a monumental day the nation will never forget? So many thoughts, so many feelings, all brought to the surface as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of September 11th.
Everyone has a story and memory from that day. I was a Sophomore in college. On that Tuesday I didn't have class. I was working at an insurance company and it was my day to pick up the mail. ( I lived in a suburb of Buffalo, N.Y. for those of you that are not familiar with my childhood.) On my way to the office I heard on the radio that the World Trade Center was hit by a plane. I proceeded to go into work and convey the news to my co-workers. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and misinforming them. From that moment on every office, cubicle and conference room had on either a t.v or radio. Phone calls were being made and emotions were heightened. I spent the next week or maybe more glued to the coverage on various news stations. Even if I didn't want to watch, I found myself sucked in. It was very surreal.

I wasn't sure what to expect today. Life for me has changed drastically in 10 years, so I know the same has happened for the families of 9-11. We taped a 2 hour special so that we could watch the Good Morning America live coverage. So while feeding the kids and playing with hot wheels, we watched like we did 10 years ago. It was very moving to watch names of the deceased being read, tributes to family members, and the images being replayed. It brought back many emotions and memories. I found myself glued to the T.V once again. The memorial is amazing and I hope that I have the opportunity to view it one day.
I did shed a few tears as I watched family members lay on the name of their deceased relative. It made me so sad. And all of those kids who never got to meet their Dads. I can't imagine. There was one point that I looked at Dylan and burst into tears. I am so grateful for my husband, my beautiful children, and the life we live. While I was being emotional, Dylan looked at me and walked in to the kitchen. He pushed his stool over to the counter and got me a tissue. He had no idea why I was sad, but he knew I needed a tissue. He said " here Mommy, wipe your tears". Now that boy melts my heart!!!!

It's crazy to think that this will be in History books by the time my kids are in middle school. Or maybe it already is!

10 years feels like yesterday! I'll never forget September 11th and I'm sure you wont either.

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