Tuesday, January 31, 2012

30 Reasons

As part of my 30th birthday gift from Zack, he gave me a black box filled with papers, 30 small papers. He told me that the box contained 30 reasons why I am the best. I was to open one everyday for 30 days. This was a very sweet and thoughtful idea. So, here are the reasons why my wonderful thinks I'm the best.....and they are not listed in order of importance :-)

1. You're a wonderful teacher, both to kids, our kids, and me.
2. The way you raise our kids makes my heart feel warm and fuzzy.
3.The goofiness that you sometimes show surprises even me.
4. You seem to have endless energy when entertaining the kids.
5. Your organizational skills are admirable.
6. You're the most beautiful Mom I've ever seen.
7. You are a great friend to all of the people who take the time to reciprocate the feeling.
8. You put up with me and my craziness.
9.You're a detective in disguise. Nothing gets past you.
10. You keep in touch with everyone, family & friends.
11. You never ask for much, but deserve the world.
12. You know how to entertain the kids in any situation.
13. The way you give hugs is always comforting.
14. Low maintenance is your mantra.
15. Your baking is top notch.
16. You allow me to have guy time even if it isn't convenient.
17.You try to, and enjoy some, listening to my eclectic music.
18. Your writing ability in the blog is both humorous and well written.
19. I admire the fact that you want to be a stay at home mom (again).
20. You make me a better person.
21. You never miss anything, especially with your lists :-)
22. I love that you're a reader, even if you don't have time for it.
23. Your laugh, or a variety of them, is contagious.
24. Because you married me!
25. You take interest and support me in my work and hobbies.
26. You could be a lawyer, but chose to become a teacher. It's because of you're passionate about it.
27. The photographs that you maintain and organize keep memories close.
28. You make compromises for the family and don't ask for anything in return.
29. Like a true Italian, you won't and don't take 'stuff' from anyone. (Ha! this makes me laugh because that is his nice way of saying I have a temper and an attitude)
30. Family, happy, mad, or indifferent, is everything to you.

I'm sure (wink, wink) he could come up with more. This was a wonderful birthday surprise that meant a lot to me. Zack is the stars to my moon, the meat to my potatoes. LOL! I love him and appreciate the time it took for him to put this box of 30 little papers together.

I love you babe!

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