Sunday, April 22, 2012

Emersyn 11 Months

I've had these pictures uploaded for over a week. Things around the Henry household seem to get busy. When there is a free moment, the moment is interrupted by someone. So my apologies for the late posting.

 Now, onto my precious little angel. Emersyn turned 11 months on 4/10.  This photo shoot was quick since Emersyn is on the move at all times. Getting her to stay still was basically impossible.
As I sit here looking at these pictures, I've realized how much she has grown over the past few months. She has lost her baby look and has the grown-up infant 'I'm almost 1' look. Yes I said it, ALMOST 1!!!! I can't believe my baby is weeks away from turning 1.

As she grows I have a hard time posting about all of the things she is doing. That's the sad part about family living so far away. Emersyn is such a lovable, outgoing, funny, sassy, trouble-making bundle of joy, it's so hard to fill in all the gaps to really understand her as a person. So every month I try, but feel as though words can not express this little human. SO here we go.........

Hair: It's the never ending debate. Do we cut it or not? Emersyn has crazy hair. She has the same colic Dylan does, where the hair on the back side of her head grows to the left. She has more hair on the left side of her head than the right. It's getting long in the back, but not quite long enough to pull into a tiny ponytail. The front bang portion is touching her eye lashes. She gets annoyed by this and tries to move the hair. We've been putting bows in and doing a little pebbles pony poof on the top. I love that it's growing, and can't wait to do fun things with it. I can't bring myself to cut it for she might look like a boy. HA! So we are trying to get past this awkward stage. I know it won't be the last!

Dogs: Emersyn loves her doggies. She loves Niko but currently favors Blitz. They both give her kisses and she loves returning the favor!! She smiles and lets out a giggle every time they sniff or kiss her. It's very cute. She climbs on them, pulls their hair, sticks her finger in their eyes, and leans on them in attempt to stand. They never get mad and always let her do it. We've been teaching her how to pet them using 'gentle hands'.

This is by far one of my favorite pictures from the photo shoot. I was trying to take her picture and she crawled away laughing.

I suppose that brings me to crawling.

Movement: Emersyn is a crawling maniac. She is everywhere and moves faster than you can blink, or so it seems. She trys to stand but is not quite there yet. She is like Dylan at this age and has low upper body muscle tone. While she is advanced compared to Dylan, she still struggles to pull up. With assistance she can do it, just not independently. If you hold her arms/hands, she will try and take a few steps. This tells me that she wants to cruise, but is missing pieces to the puzzle. She needs to be able to pull up, stand and bend to pick up an object, and hold on without letting go. Part of me feels like she will get the hang of these milestones soon, but the other part of me wants to take her for an evaluation. We've been working with her at home but that might not be enough. Our pediatrician told us to wait another few weeks and see what happens. If she's not pulling up then I'll take her to be evaluated by a physical therapist. Once she is confidently pulling up, I know she'll start cruising. She's not lazy or laid back. She is a mini-me, motivated, and continues to try every chance she gets. I know she wants to, but she struggles. She will get there!


Food: Emersyn puts everything in her mouth. If she finds it before you do, into the mouth it goes! Paper, dog food, toys, fuzzies, socks, shoes, crayons, stuffed animals, EVERYTHING! You would think she was starved. WRONG.....this toothless wonder is a super eater. First of all, she still doesn't have any teeth, but that doesn't stop her. (don't forget we are a household of late teethers) My baby girl eats a ton. At some meals she eats more than Dylan. Fruits, veggies, cheese, crackers, breads, meats, you name it, she probably will eat it. I think the only food she doesn't like is peas. Who really likes peas anyway?!? I'm hoping at this rate she won't be a picky eater like her brother.
Oh, and she still take formula bottles, which we will be weaning her off soon. She loves her sippy cup of water too!

Sleeping: Emersyn is a great sleeper. She goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes around 5:30-6. She takes 2, sometimes 3 naps a day. During the week she takes 2 naps at school. On the weekends, we let her sleep whenever. I know that can be a bad thing, but she loves her beauty sleep. The time is coming where she will be down to 1 nap a day during the week. This is going to be Emersyn's worst nightmare. I dread that day.

Other fun facts:
- Uses a pacifier to sleep, when tired or upset, but she's not dependent on it.
-Loves going for stroller rides and being outside.
- Loves the wind blowing in her face. She thinks it's hysterical.
- We call her tornado Emersyn, as she takes out every toy possible, leaving a HUGE mess in her path. She loves to play with toys that make music, have wheels, her toys, Dylan's toys, and things that she thinks are toys but are not. ie: stereo system, toilet paper rolls, dogs food & water dish
- Water baby! Loves to wash her hands, take a bath, splash, drink, and so on. The pool should be fun this year.
- Has many different laughs.
-Very ticklish
- Dylan is her favorite person to play with.
- Continues to be a Mommy's Girl! LOVE IT!

Words: She makes a D sound for Dylan, calls Zack 'Dada' and me 'Mama'. Sometimes I'm 'Dada' too, but I think she's just talking then. She points at everything, especially the things she wants.
She is slowly learning to shake her head no. She does shake her head yes when she wants something.
Today I asked her "Do you want a cracker?", she shook her head up and down with her mouth open. Describing it doesn't do justice for her cuteness.

That's the 11th month in a nutshell. So much to say, but how do I put it all in words?
We are weeks away from our baby girl turning 1. I can't believe the time has come!
She is going to have a ladybug themed birthday party, some exciting things going on, and special visitors.
Stay tuned................

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