Sunday, November 11, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness

I posted last week that I was going to blog once a week on the things I was Thankful for. I think it's more meaningful to post everyday. It gives me a chance to think about it and reflect. The problem is, I don't always have that 'extra' few minutes to sit down and blog. I barely squeeze 'me' time. My 'me' time is having the ability to shower without the kids banging on the door, or the ability to go to the bathroom ALONE. Oh, the things I've taken for granted. So, I'll just have to stick with once every few days. My last thankfulness post covered days 1-4. Onward....

11/5: I am thankful for my co teacher. She makes my job easier and enjoyable. We laugh and get along great. I am grateful to have her in my life and thankful for making a new friend.

11/6: I am thankful for a full nights sleep. Sleep is not something I get a lot of, and surely not uninterrupted sleep. It's either the kids having restless nights, someone is sick, or the dogs need to go out. Some nights I get up twice, others I get up 5 or 6. So if you sleep the entire night, be grateful!

11/7: I am thankful for laughing. I think it's important to laugh at least once a day. I love to laugh so hard my stomach hurts!

11/8: Zack had to travel to Houston today. He has business in Mexico. Today I am thankful for two things. I am thankful that Zack only travels occasionally and I am thankful for his safe arrival in Texas.

11/9: Today I am thankful for my home. It's not just a house, it's our family home. After the devastation from Sandy, I am grateful to have a place, a safe haven, a place I can call home. Others up North can't say the same and that makes me sad.

11/10: Zack has been gone now for three days. When I am left to be a single parent, I envy those who do it full time. While I can do it, I hate it, and don't ever want to be in that permanent position. So maybe envy isn't the right word. Today I am thankful for all the Moms out there who rock out as a single parent. I give them lots of credit because it's hard and I can only handle a week at a time.
Thankful to have Zack home later today!

11/11: Today is Veterans Day! I am thankful the men and women who have and are currently serving our country.

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