Sunday, November 18, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness

11/12: Today I am thankful and lucky to have three living grandparents. In talking with friends, I realize that it's not as common as I thought. So I'll just consider myself lucky!

11/13: Today I am thankful for my sweet little boy. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday and fills my heart with such laughter and joy.

11/14: Emersyn had her 18 month appointment today. I am thankful she had a clean bill of health. She is in the 59th percentile in height and weight. She was a little angel at the doctors office too! Bonus!
 (later this evening Emersyn came down with a 24 hour stomach bug that she picked up at daycare. There goes her clean bill of health!)

11/15: I am thankful for teamwork. Without Zack, I wouldn't have survived the night. Emersyn was up every 45min to an hour throwing up. Between the two of us, we bathed her, changed sheets, started and switched laundry, rocked her, and put her back to sleep. It took the two of us to be successful. Thank you to my wonderful husband!

11/16: Today I am thankful for my parents. They made me who I am today and I thank them for that.

11/17: Quiet time! Quiet time! Quiet time! Today I am thankful for the sound of silence. Emersyn has been so fussy today. She only wants me. Me holding her, me carrying her, me playing with her, me, me, me! She woke up and 5, then proceeded to be attached to me throughout the morning. Having a toddler crying and holding onto your leg isn't fun. So yes, I resorted to holding and carrying her around. At nap time I thought I'd have a break. She only slept 1 hour! So while I guess I had an hour break, it just didn't feel long enough. Dylan sleeps 2-3 hours everyday. Emersyn isn't a napper. If I can get 2 hours that would be great, but not today! When she woke up she was miserable. She screamed and cried for an hour and a half. If I put her down she cried harder. If I sat she screamed and threw a fit. By nightfall my back felt broken. Once the kids were down for the night, I smiled. Makes me feel like a bad parent to say that, but it's the truth. Sitting in silence was very much appreciated. Quiet time = Sanity!

11/18: Today I am thankful for webcaming. Living far away from family isn't always easy.

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