Saturday, November 24, 2012

Henry Thanksgiving

This year, like the last, we stayed home for Thanksgiving. It's the best place to be. Macy's Day Parade, relaxing in our pajamas, cooking yummy food, and enjoying each other. This year the weather was warm, in the 60's, and sunny. The kids had the opportunity to play outside.

We also started some family traditions that will hopefully carry on from year to year. Dylan is at the age where we can do some fun things. Traditions were always big for us growing up, so I thought it was my turn to instill that in our kids.

While watching the parade, Dylan and I made Christmas rings. Starting December 1st, he will rip off a ring each day as a count down to Christmas. Emersyn is to young, so we just made one for Dylan.
This is a tradition that Lisa, Mike, and I had when we were young.

I decided to start a new one as well. We made a gingerbread house. While I probably could have made the gingerbread from scratch, I decided it would be easier and faster to buy a kit.
It was fun. Dylan was eating as he decorated.

I did my best to capture the moments. It was truly a great day.

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