Friday, November 30, 2012

The end: 30 Days of Thankfulness

I've come to the end of my reflecting. It's always nice to stop and make it a point to really think about the things I'm thankful & grateful for. It's not that I don't reflect, I just don't write it down.


11/23: Today I am thankful for good books. I've been reading a lot lately.

11/24: Today I am thankful for the Christmas season. My favorite!! Today we decorated the house, inside and out! The lights, the decorations, the music, the excitement in the kids eyes. It's all so wonderful! I love it!

11/25: I've had 4 wonderful days off. I am thankful for long weekends!

11/26: Today has been a crazy day at work filled with frustration. Despite all of the chaos, I am just thankful to have a job

11/27: I am thankful that I've had 2 healthy pregnancies. In the last month, 3 people we know have had miscarriages. I can't even begin to understand the emotional toll is takes. It makes me feel sad for those that have experienced this unfortunate situation. I suppose things happen for a reason. I'm just thankful for having healthy pregnancies and 2 beautiful babies.

11/28: Today I am thankful for Christmas music. Makes me happy when I'm feeling down.

11/29: I am thankful for my doggies! Niko and Blitz are the best furry babies a girl could ask for!!

11/30: Today was a bad day at work. I am thankful for bad days, as they make me appreciate the good ones.

Well, that's it for my 30 days of thankfulness! Until next year...

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