Sunday, January 8, 2012

Like Mother, Like Son

I have tried really hard to not pass down my quirks or pet peeves to Dylan. For example, I hate when my shoe laces are tied and the loops touch my leg. Yes, it's weird I know. Dylan has that same problem now. He throws a fit about it.

This brings me to clean hands. I grew up hating my hands being dirty. As a teenager, I would wear those yellow latex gloves to clean dishes. I still have a pair that I occasionally wear. I'm better about it now that I'm an adult. I have to be. I have my own kids, I taught Kindergarten, and now I work with 3-4 year olds. I get my hands dirty daily. Dylan somehow 'inherited' this problem. I've have reassured him since he was 1 that it's okay to get his hands dirty. Whether he's eating, doing a craft, or playing outside, he hates getting his hands dirty. If he barely has a crumb on his hand he yells " My hands are dirty, get me a napkin please!". Or heaven forbid dog hair get stuck to his hands. (sigh)
The child is a smaller version on me!!! Aahhhhh! I've worked hard to make sure he doesn't 'inherit' my weird issues. I don't mind him being like me, just not those things. Apparently it's not working.

I got this note attached to a craft Dylan did at school. Yikes! It's funny and not so funny all at the same time.

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