Saturday, January 21, 2012

Potty Trained!

I am happy to announce that Dylan is potty trained! Goodbye diapers!!!!

This process had been delayed many times for many different reasons. As Dylan's 3rd birthday started to creep up, it was time. He's a late bloomer! Better late than never I guess. So when Dylan started telling us he was peeing, we decided it was time. No turning back. At the beginning of November his teachers and I worked together with him. He wore underwear all day, with exception of nap time and bed time. At first he had many accidents. He would either wait until the last minute to tell us he had to go, or wouldn't tell us until after he already went. Laundry was my daily hobby!
After a few weeks he got the peeing down, but refused to poop in the potty. In a kids perspective I guess that can be scary. We consistently used pee- pee and poopy treats to promote using the potty. Yup, let's face it... Bribery at its best. Dylan got M& M's of all kinds, starburst, yogurt raisins, Nerds, suckers, and more that I just can't think of. So basically, if you use the potty I will sugar you up!!!! Bad parenting!!! But honestly would carrots work? Probably not.
After weeks of rewards and reminding him to go potty, he finally got the hang of it. He started telling us when he had to go, pulling down his own pants, and SUCCESS! We eventually transitioned to diaper-free naps. He has been waking up dry in the morning so this weekend we tried underwear at night. So far, so good! We are very proud if him. It took awhile but he did it!!! He is officially potty trained and diaper free!!!

I'd have to say, potty training is not fun. That is one part of parenting I can honestly say I didn't enjoy. The end product is rewarding, but the teaching, the clean-ups, accidents, running to the potty, and all that potty training entails is just not for me.

1 down! 1 to go!

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