Saturday, January 14, 2012

Transition Week

This upcoming week both kids will be transitioning to new classrooms. Kids tend to move based on age, development, and space availability in the room.
Dylan turns 3 in February, so he is moving because of age. Developmentally he is ready too! Especially now that he is potty trained, with exception of nights and the occasional accident. He loves his current teachers, so this may be a slight adjustment. He will be in the classroom next to me :-) so I can peek in on him whenever. He will do great!

The baby room is filling up fast with newborns, which means its time for Emersyn to move up. The room she's moving to is the older infant room. All of the babies in there are crawling. Emersyn isn't crawling yet, so maybe being in this new room will entice her to move. Peer pressure! She is very comfortable with her current teachers. She does have a bit of stranger danger do I think this transition week might be harder on her than Dylan.
I'm sure... I know that both of them will be fine. If they aren't, they will eventually adjust and I'm in the building which is always a plus!!!!

I'll be sure to update at the end of the week on how their transitions go. It will be a week of new things, new friends, new teachers, and hopefully it will tucker them out do they sleep well at night! :-)

Stay tuned.....

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