Friday, January 27, 2012

Transition Week Update 2

Emersyn: Emersyn is doing well in her class. The majority of the days, her teachers had her down to 2 naps a day. Now if you know my little girl, then you know she is a sleeping beauty. She took 4 naps a day, cat naps, in her other class. She is exhausted when she gets home from the adjustments to her schedule. She has adjusted to her new teachers and new friends. All but 2 kids in the class are crawling, including Emersyn. My hope is that peer pressure will kick in. We want her to crawl so bad. The classroom she is in backs up to the playground. So if I'm outside with my class, I can see her through the glass door. Her teacher positions her so she can see me. Her latest trick is waving, so she waves every time she see's me. It's awesome!
I'm pleased with her transition.

Dylan: Dylan's new class is right next to mine. I love to see him in action, learning, playing, interacting with his peers. I peak in on him occasionally. He moved up with one of his close friends, Reagan, who has been on vacation. Dylan likes his new class, but has been lonely without his old friends. He has transitioned well but has been very introverted. I'm hoping once Reagan gets back he will bounce back to his usual self. I'm also hoping he makes some new friends. Only once last week he cried and asked to go back to his old class.

I took some pictures of the kids at school this week. I included one of Dylan and his old teachers. He loved them.

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