Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 1: Surgery

Today we had to be at the hospital by 7am. Surgeries are performed youngest to oldest so Emersyn was first. We are very thankful for that. The tough part for her was what I'd call fasting. She couldn't eat past midnight so we woke her prior to that time to give her one last feeding. I don't like to be hungry so I can't imagine how frustrating it was for her. Once we got checked in we met with our surgical team. At 8:40 she was taken back to the operating room. This was very hard for us. Handing your child off to a surgeon is everything you probably think it would be. HORRIBLE!!! We both had tears.
I gave her lots of kisses and said many I love you's.
The waiting game seemed like a lifetime. When the call came in that she was being closed up I was elated. Well, until I began to get nervous for the next part: seeing her in the PICU. Her surgery went very well and the neurosurgeon was happy. It was a big relief for us.
When we got to the intensive care unit she was bandaged, hooked up to monitors and IV's everywhere. My poor baby :-(
Swelling began to set in. It will get worse before it gets better. As a parent, I'd do anything to help her but I feel so useless.
She's in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. We're not sure when we will be released. My guess is Sunday, but time will tell.

So before I end this post we want to thank everyone for the prayers, texts, and calls. We are so happy surgery went well. We are officially on the ' other side'. Now our focus is recovery. It will be a challenging road, but Emersyn is one tough little girl

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