Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Waterproof Mascara

Waiting for Emersyn to get out of surgery feels like a lifetime so I thought I'd post. This morning when I was putting my makeup on I decided to wear waterproof mascara in the event I had a meltdown. While I was putting it on I questioned whether mascara expires. I've had the same tube for years. I've only used it twice prior to today. The first time was when my Grandpa passed away and the last time was when I got married. So today I decided to wear it. I've shed countless tears since we found out about this surgery and have been dreading this day for weeks. I'm an emotional person lately, so waterproof mascara was bound to be my choice regardless of the expiration date. (I think once I'm home I'll throw that tube away...I'm guessing its over 4 years old...yup gross I know)

It's 10:40 and I'm pleased with how my most likely expired waterproof mascara is holding up. When one of the doctors came to take Emersyn into surgery my eyes became a small puddle. So instead of looking like I belonged to the band KISS, I maintained my vision of loveliness (wink, wink). I'm sure that moment is one of many today. Her surgery is expected to be 3 hours but the doctor allotted 6 if needed. I'm anxiously awaiting the moment I get to see my little lady bug. We will continue to update as we go.

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