Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Mailbox

Growing up I loved getting the mail everyday. I'd hear the mailman coming down the street and I'd run out to meet him. I didn't even care if there wasn't anything for me. For some reason I thought this was exciting.

Now flash forward to 2011....

I own a home and have many bills to pay. When I hear the mailman zooming down the street, I'm not as exited as I once was. Usually our mail consists of bills, magazines, and junk mail. Since Emersyn's surgery I feel like that's all we get are medical bills. Oh what fun, NOT! So when I see a card or a flyer I appreciate them more. The childhood giddiness slowly floods my heart. Yup, pretty dorky I know.

This brings me to Dylan's love for the mailbox. A boy after my own heart!! He loves to put mail in and put the flag up. In the afternoon he likes to open the mailbox door. He looks in and says "no presents, just mail".
Regardless of what's in the mailbox, he loves to get the mail. It makes me smile! I want that excitement to stay with him for a long time. Well, until he starts getting bills and the excitement fades. I just bought him a year subscription to National Geographic Kids. So when my mom isn't sending the kids 'presents', he will have mail. I can't wait to see his face when the first magazine comes for him. Maybe it will rekindle my weird love affair with getting the mail. HA!

I'll be sure to post up a picture when Dylan receives his first National Geographic.

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