Friday, August 12, 2011

Emersyn is 3 months!

Emersyn is officially an infant! ( I just learned that once a newborn turns 3 months they're considered an infant.) This 3 month celebration comes shortly after her surgery, so I wasn't sure if we would take pictures. I decided to give it a try and while she did cooperate, I struggled to get a smile. So Ms. Serious it is!
* Grabs at clothing, fingers, face
* Smiles and coos
* Starting to put weight on her legs when in a standing position
* Tries to sit up
* Tummy time: she is lacking in this area because right now her head is heavy from fluid. I have no doubt she will catch up.
*Attempts to laugh, but sound doesn't come out yet :-)
Random 3 month facts:
*Loves to put her fingers in her mouth. I hate it because without a doubt she always gags herself. Why do babies do that?!?
* Loves to look at faces & loves music
* While she still likes to be carried around, she will occasionally go her in swing
* Prior to the surgery she was sleeping the night. Currently she isn't but that is due to surgery.
* She loves to go on walks
* Has hiccups at least once a day.
* She was born a gassy baby and still is :-(
* She is a drool machine, but I love it.
That's all I can think of at the moment. The past 3 months have been challenging, but we have enjoyed every moment. We are looking forward to this month and what she has in store for us.


  1. I see a resemblance to Dylan in this picture. She's looking great for just having surgery!! I'm so happy things are good at three months! :-)

  2. It's crazy how much she looks like Dylan now
