Sunday, August 7, 2011

Going Home

Dr. Grant came to see Emersyn this morning. Her vitals looked great, her blood count was up, her eyes were open, the swelling was a little better and she was eating. The words "looks like you're going home today" was like music to our ears. We packed up, got her dressed and off we went. We were so excited to leave. Living in a hospital for almost six days can be exhausting.
Fast forward to the afternoon.............
At first Dylan was hesitant to get near Emersyn. I think her swelling and the sight of the incision scare him a little. He is slowly adjusting. Zack is doing amazing with her. I on the other hand am afraid of breaking her head. Sounds ridiculous I know. I just feel like I'm going to hurt her, so it's taking me some time to adjust as well. I do miss her old head quite a bit, but I know this is all for the better. Without this surgery she would eventually have so many developmental problems and her head would continue to grow and become worse. Once the swelling goes down, she will look like Emersyn again but with the round head she was meant to have. Regardless, she looks beautiful to us.
We are all happy to be home and together as a family. This was a very surreal experience. Now we enter the recovery phase. Thank you to all of our friends and family who have given us words of encouragement, prayers and keeping us in your daily thoughts. We truly appreciate it.

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