Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 3: The Other Side

This post will be shorter since I am super tired. I was up frequently with Emersyn last night and coffee just didn't work its magic today. Our day started off with Emersyn sleeping a lot. She was very peaceful and seemed comfortable. Lunch time hit and that all changed. The swelling in her eyes is decreasing which is great. The bad part is that she's trying to open them and they hurt which can be a challenge when attempting to see. This is frustrating for her so she cried most of the afternoon. So for a few moments today, we saw those blue eyes. You would've thought we won the lottery that's how excited we were. Her vitals are looking great. She's voiding like she should (medical term for pees and poos), she ate a little bit this morning, and her head bandage came off.
Yes, the head bandage was taken off. She cried while the nurse unwrapped her head. Zack stood by her side assisting, while I was very nervous to see her new little head. The head itself is still very swollen but looks great. The incision goes from ear to ear with clear dissoluble stitches. The cut is not a straight line, but a wavy line. This way when her hair gets wet, it doesn't part at the scar. From a doctors standpoint, her head looks great. From the mommy standpoint, it looks painful right now. We are putting an ointment on it a few times a day to help with the healing. Swelling should decrease rapidly in the next few weeks. They didn't shave her head, so the little hair that Emersyn has is still in tact.
She's slowly making progress. In order to go home, a few things need to happen:
- Eyes need to be open fully (she's working on it)
- Eating frequently (this has been a challenge)
- Not using as many pain meds
- Blood count stays up (she had a transfusion during surgery)
It's looking like she will be discharged on Sunday. We are pleased with her progress and can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

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