Monday, August 8, 2011


Taken today-swelling still present but a smile worth a million bucks

Day 4- My little hero trying to recover

When asked who your hero is, you probably start thinking of someone that you admire for something they did. Heroes are among us everyday young and old, but sometimes we just don't know it or acknowledge these people. So I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to my newest hero.
My hero......Emersyn Isabella Henry. She entered the world in a difficult way, has battled colic, had surgery on her skull and is now staying strong through recovery. She is my little trooper. She's gone through more in 3 months than I have in 29 years. Most adults whine when they stub a toe, get a paper cut or have a headache. I had a reality check sitting in a children's hospital. I can't believe what some of those kids are going through and how strong and positive they remain. It's absolutely amazing. I am very thankful Emersyn's medical issue could be fixed. Some of those kids will be living with their illnesses their whole life. My baby girl is amazing! She was strong during surgery and while in the hospital. And....all without a voice, just cries. She surprised us on many occasions during the last few days. She is my hero!! I'll forever admire her strength and resilience.
Just remember super heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Mine is 3 months old with big blue eyes and a smile that will melt your heart.

1 comment:

  1. You just made me cry!!!!!! What a beautiful tribute to your daughter!!!
