Monday, August 15, 2011

Surgery Photos

Pre-exam before surgery/getting into the hospital gown
8/3 Right after surgery in the PICU. Swelling has just begun.
My first failed attempt at feeding Emersyn. (she didn't eat until right before we went home)
Day 3: My little swollen sumo wrestler!
Day 4: Head bandage off and successful feeding
A glimpse of our Duke Children's room
My sleeping angel. In this photo the swelling has gone down considerably.
We wanted to share some of Emersyn's photos. Some of them were just to hard to include so I was very selective. For a few days her swelling was so bad she didn't even look like herself. Also the day her bandage came off was very difficult for me. We are choosing now to show those because they are very hard to look at.
This was a surreal experience for us. We are very thankful for Dr. Grant and the staff at Duke Hospital who helped our little girl. She is on the road to recovery. Most of her swelling has gone down and the incision is beginning to look better everyday.
We wanted to include everyone on our journey to inform you and make you aware of Craniosynostosis. Prior to Emersyn's surgery, we had never even heard of it. Now we are advocates and are glad to join the rest of our Cranio friends in helping spread the word.

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