Saturday, November 5, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness

I've seen other friends post about the things they are thankful for and it got me thinking. I'm thankful for many things in life, but to stop each day and actually think about it means something different. Life in our house is very structured during the week. Time passes by so quickly that it will be good for me to stop, breathe, and take a moment to realize what I'm thankful for each day.

So today is Nov. 5th, which means I'll go back a few days to catch up.

My 30 Days of Thankfulness....

Nov. 1- Zack was supposed to leave for a business trip but it got cancelled.
I'm hate when he travels normally and this would have been my first time alone with 2 kids & 2 dogs. I was a little nervous. So I'm thankful the trip got cancelled! I'm not cut out to be a temporary single Mom. I depend on Zack for many things, which takes me into Tuesday.....

Nov 2.- I am thankful for my patient,loving, understanding husband.
Zack means the world to me and my life is better because of him. We've been on an incredible journey over the last 8 years and I can't wait to spend the next 80 (or more!) with him.

Nov. 3- Every day I am thankful for my children. They are beautiful miracles of life! Today Emersyn is 3 months post-op. I can't believe she had skull surgery 3 months ago. She is my little hero! She's doing great and I'm thankful for that. VERY thankful!

Nov 4.- I'm thankful I have a job. I just finished my 4th week working at the daycare. This has been a very hard transition for me. I miss being a stay at home Mom more than anything. BUT we have medical bills to pay and working is the reality right now. I am thankful to have a job while many people continue to be unemployed.

Nov. 5- Family time at home is my favorite. This morning we all sat in our PJ's laughing, snuggling, and playing together. I appreciate these times more now because I'm working and the opportunities are less. I love being with my family!!! I am thankful for these awesome moments!

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