Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 21: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Today I am thankful for an understanding boss. Emersyn had a rough weekend and still wasn't feeling well this morning. We weren't sure if she is getting teeth or if she had something else. Zack took her to the doctor this morning and then dropped her off at daycare. She has a bad cold and could be getting teeth, but nothing more than that. or so we thought..... I went to give her Tylenol at 10:30 and barely got it into her mouth when she decided to puke all over me. Puke is an understatement. Knowing Zack had already taken her to the doctor and that he had a very important meeting, I spoke to my boss and explained the situation. I am not one to call in sick unless necessary, and not one to leave work unless I have to. Since having kids, that can be a challenge. So my boss was extremely understanding, told me that family comes first, and sent me home to take care of my sick baby. I feel bad for leaving because I know I need to be there, but at the same time Emersyn needs to be at home. I am thankful for my kind and understanding boss.

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