Thursday, November 17, 2011

Emersyn is 6 Months

My baby is 6 months, halfway to being 1! Oh my goodness, where has the time gone?
On November 10th, Emersyn turned the big 6 months. We sang "Happy Half Birthday" to her as she smiled that big toothless smile. She has made so much progress since last month and is becoming her own little person with her outgoing personality.
Her stats this month:
Weight: 18 lbs 12oz (91st percentile)
Height: 27.5in (95th percentile)
YES SHE IS A BIG GIRL....which explains why she is growing out of her clothing so fast. We hurried to get every 3-6 month outfit on her and as of today she is fitting VERY comfortable in 6-9 month clothes. Who knows what size she will be wearing in December. She is growing like a weed and taking after her Daddy. She is one solid ladybug!
Milestones and Tidbits about Emersyn this month:
-Sleeps through the night. Goes down around 7:30 and wakes anywhere between 6-6:30.
- Rubs her feet together when she is tired. She takes after her Mommy :-)
- Chews on paci and is almost 100% successful putting it in her mouth independently.
-Loves to stick out her tongue and blow bubbles.
- Picks up toys with one hand and can pass things from hand to hand.
- Bears weight on legs with support from us or her bouncer.
- She isn't crawling yet, but somehow manages to scoot forward a few inches when on her belly.
- Babbles, growls, blows bubbles, laughs and screams with excitement.
- She loves to laugh, loves to be tickled, and loves kisses.
- Sits up on her own. She is still a bit wobbly, but she can do it.
- Chews on EVERYTHING!
- Bounces like a maniac in her bouncer. She loves when we cheer for her.
- Stares at her hands as if she's inspecting a's funny to watch.
- Eats oatmeal, fruits and veggies.
- No teeth yet, but I have a feeling they are on their way.
There is so much to tell you about her, it's hard to put it all down. I hope this gives you a good idea of who she is and what she is doing.
Emersyn is a wonderful baby. She loves to laugh and cuddle, but also has an independent side. She is very vocal and likes to stay busy. She has come a long way and we are pleased with her progress. She is our heart and soul. Dylan dotes on her non-stop, the dogs are always kissing her, and she is the apple of our eye!
This month we did another at home photo shoot. I'm hoping to have professional pictures taken next month. I took many pictures but only uploaded a few. We have a picasa web album set up as well. I will eventually add a link onto my home page so you will be able to see all of the photos.

Eating the 6 month sticker!

My beautiful baby!
DJ Ladybug in the house!
Check, check, 1..2

This picture makes me laugh. I tried so hard to get them to smile. Dylan had his breakfast all over his face and Emersyn was more interested in chewing on her skirt.
She drools a buckets and buckets of drool...yup, its gross.

And there you have it, another month down. Maybe next month she will be on the move?!?!

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