Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The daycare that Dylan attends offers Spanish. It's not something that is required, it is simply a bonus feature for the facility. I personally think it's wonderful. I took so many years of French and can't remember much of anything. So every day for 20 minutes a teacher comes into the room and teaches basic Spanish. Dylan has learned colors, shapes, greetings like 'hello & goodbye', and many songs. The concepts he is learning are sticking because I hear him at home, and today his teacher mentioned how well he is doing. At this point, Dylan knows far more Spanish than I do! He is loving it and can't wait to tell me all about it when he comes home. It's so cute to see. The Spanish teacher told me that Dylan is her AG student (academically gifted), which I think is hysterical. Dylan loves to learn, so this is just another example of him being a little learning sponge.
Dora and Diego books have a new meaning to him now. He understands some of the Spanish words in the books and loves to repeat after me. We are glad he is being exposed to another language as it will only benefit him later in life.
I have also enrolled him in a program called Tap & Tumble. Every Thursday an outside company comes to the daycare. Tap is mostly for girls, and Tumble is for everyone and is like a gymnastics program. Dylan is slightly gross motor delayed so we thought this program would help. I'll save this information for a later post.
Hasta manana!!!!

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