Saturday, November 5, 2011


This post is long overdue. We took photo's Halloween night, but some of them came out really dark so we did a re shoot causing a delay in this post.
Halloween here in Holly Springs was cold and rainy. The kids are used to being dragged out in crazy weather to walk the dogs, so why was this any different. Plus, who doesn't want to go trick or treating!?!?!? We bundled up and off we went. Zack walked Niko & Blitz, I pushed the stroller.

Dylan did an amazing job as a pirate. He said 'trick or treat' at every house, used his manners, and even said 'AARRRR a pirate' when people asked him what he was. He wanted to keep going after we were all ready to go home. That boy loves candy! Emersyn was a trooper. She was snug as a bug...HA! her ladybug costume. She was just along for the ride. Half way through she fell asleep!

We left the house before we ever got any trick or treaters so we had LOTS of left overs. Those went to work with Zack! The pictures below are out of order, but you'll get the idea. Despite the nasty rain, we had a blast and got lots of yummy treats.

What a sweet little pirate!

Eating candy after we got back. Yup, we sugared him up before bed!

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!

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