Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Getting Older Stinks

Getting older stinks! Well, I'm actually looking forward to turning 30 in December, but the few 'white' hairs, trouble loosing weight, and getting glasses is the stinky part.
I've been delaying an eye appointment for some time now. It's not that I didn't want to go, I just didn't have time and it wasn't a priority. I finally went and while my vision isn't really that bad, the eye doctor suggested glasses for night time, watching T.V., and seeing 20-30 feet away for long durations of time. So I have glasses now! I actually don't mind how I look, its just adjusting to wearing them. I had Zack take a few pictures of me with them on and as usual, I'm not very photogenic. So this was the best one. I look fat, but that's another stinky part of getting older. The fat doesn't fall off like it used to, and especially after having two kids. That's a work in progress.
Oh and the few 'white' hairs I've been finding. HA! I pull those suckers out! My mom says if I pull them out more will grow in, but that's the chance I'm taking.
So I guess there are pros and cons of getting older. These just happen to be a few I don't appreciate.
Ok, rant is over :-)

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