Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Talk

I knew that some day I would have to talk with Dylan about the difference between girls and boys. I didn't think that day would be today!!!!
This morning when he was going potty he said "daddy has big pee-pee, Dylan has little pee- pee". That comment in itself made me smile. Then he looked at me and said "mommy and Emersyn...where's your pee-pee?"

I then had to explain that only boys had pee-pee's. I was trying to avoid the obvious, especially because I didn't know what to call the female part. Ha!
Dylan is smart so he proceeded to say "Boys have pee-pee's and what do girls have?" So in the quick second I had, I named it a hoo-hoo (who-who).
Oh boy! Now we are stuck with that name!! As we walked out of the bathroom Dylan said "Boys have pee-pee's and girls have hoo-hoo's!"

Zack just smiled. I laughed, but really?!?! Isn't it to early to be having this conversation?!?! Then again Dylan is almost 3! My baby is growing up way to fast!!!!

* on a side note, I'll be posting about potty training later :-)

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