Friday, November 25, 2011


Our Thanksgiving started off bright and early at 6:30. Sleeping in is not a possibility in our house. We spent the morning playing, watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, making arts and crafts, and webcaming with my family. I'd have to say, it was very relaxing and enjoyable. Emersyn is suffering from a bad cold, so she napped periodically throughout the day. Zack prepped our turkey a day in advance. He uses a new recipe each year and this year the turkey had lots of prep work. Zack loves to make the turkey year after year. We ate around 5 and it was mighty delicious. Poor Zack, he slaves in the kitchen for over a day and we eat in 15 minutes. It was tasty and he did a wonderful job making everything. I am lucky to have a husband that cooks! The day was what we envisioned, fun, fattening, relaxing, and making memories together.

I tried to capture Emersyn when she was happy. Suffering from a bad cold isn't fun for anyone and she was fussy most of the day. The times that she was happy I tried to capture. Dylan on the other hand is challenging to photograph. He doesn't sit still and won't look at the camera. I could do flips and he won't look. So lately all I'm getting is the goofy faces.
When Emersyn was sleeping, we sat and worked with foam shapes. Dylan loves to peel the paper off of the stickers. He made the yellow one, I made the pink one, and Zack made the blue one. As you can tell, Daddy really got into it!
Of course I had to share a picture of the cook and his master piece. Oh, and we had windows open as it was in the 60's yesterday.
I thought this picture was funny. Niko & Blitz love Thanksgiving for obvious reasons. We always include them in our feast. They never beg from Zack because he doesn't share. So Dylan and I are the targets. Dylan gets mad at them for begging and staring at him.
We had apple pie for dessert. Dylan only ate the whip cream. Go figure!
While the kids were sleeping at nap time, we decided to goof around and take silly pictures of ourselves. We used to do that all of the time, but now I'm always taking pictures of the kids. So here we are....the Mr. & the Mrs.
Oh I forgot to mention how amazing Zack is. My plan was to hit up Walmart late in the evening. They had a toy sale at 10 and I wanted to get some deals on Dylan's Christmas gifts. As the night approached I was exhausted. My wonderful husband volunteered to go for me. The store was crazy busy, but he was successful in finding what we needed.
We hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day. We are thankful for so many things in life!

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