Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 18 & 19: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Day 18: Yesterday I posted that I was thankful for my siblings. I wanted to add a picture of them, so I erased it and thought I'd repost it today. Then I realized I don't have any pictures of the three of us together, let alone just the two of them. I'm always the photographer and I while I have many pictures of them, I don't have many of them together. The one in this post was taken Dec 09' for Dylan's baptism. I guess I need to take some updated photos when I go home this year.
Anyway, I am thankful to have a wonderful sister and brother. We annoy each other from time to time but always love one another. I am thankful to have them in my life!

Day 19: Today I am thankful for my parents. They give endless love and support as they watch their three kids make lives of their own. They raised us right, gave us many things, let us make mistakes, and sent us on our way hoping they taught us enough to survive in this crazy world.
So far I've survived and that I owe to them for helping me grow to be the person I am. So to my Mom & Dad: thank you for being such wonderful parents. It is an honor to be your daughter!

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